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Registry Jumper Frequently Asked Questions

You say that Registry Jumper is free. What is the catch? Does it contain spyware or adware?

There is no catch. Registry Jumper has been available since 2005 and is completely free for both commercial and personal use and does not contain any spyware, ads or user tracking.

In version 3.0 we dropped the UPX EXE compression which caused false positives in some poorly designed antivirus software.

Why do I get the UAC prompt when I run Registry Jumper?

UAC (User Account Control) is used when the application requires administrative rights. Since the Regedit registry editor requires administrative rights, Registry Jumper should also have them to work properly.

You can try to workaround it if you wish: How to Create Elevated App Shortcut without UAC Prompt in Windows 10

What are the supported command-line options?

Read about them here.

What is the Windows registry and when do I need to edit it?

The Windows registry is a database that stores settings for your system and programs. You may need to edit it to fix or customize things. But if you're not a computer expert, or if there are standard ways to fix a problem, it's better not to edit the system registry.

For more information, see the following articles:

What is Regedit?

Regedit (the Microsoft Registry Editor) is a program that ships with Windows and can be started by running the regedit.exe command. It allows you to view, search, and modify settings in your system registry. In general, Microsoft does not recommend directly editing the registry (quote from Microsoft):

Registry editors are available that enable you to inspect and modify the registry. However, you should not need to do so. Instead, allow Windows programs to modify the system registry as needed. It is strongly recommended that you do not edit registry settings yourself.

I can't find a Regedit command line switch to navigate it to a specific location. How does Registry Jumper do this?

Yes, Regedit supports some command line parameters for various tasks, but not for navigating. Registry Jumper works the other way: it simulates keystrokes and sends them to the Regedit window as if they were typed by the user. Because Registry Jumper does this quickly, much faster than the best typist can, you'll hardly notice any delay.

How can I backup the registry?

Read Microsoft's recommendations about it here: How to back up, edit, and restore the registry in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003

Also, Regedit.exe has command-line options for backing up and restoring the registry.

We could suggest you the following method: first, save the entire registry in a file (for example, c:\temp\allreg.txt) by executing the command: regedit /E c:\temp\allreg.txt After that, you can use the free Lister to search for the necessary strings in this text file, it will be much faster than using Regedit.